ABLE Bodies Balance Training offers an activity-based program to improve balance and mobility for both fit and frail
older adults. This practical instructor's guide provides more than 130 balance and mobility exercises that consider
flexibility, strength, and cardiorespiratory endurance. The exercises enhance older adults' abilities to maintain
balance in completing their everyday tasks, thereby fostering increased self-confidence, reducing the occurrence of
falls, and improving quality of life.
The text is based on ABLE Bodies techniques, which were proven effective in a randomized, controlled study funded by the
National Blueprint and Active Aging Partnership. Results showed that ABLE Bodies training significantly improved
balance, mobility, activity levels, gait speed, flexibility, and strength for participants 70 years of age and older
living in retirement and assisted living facilities.
ABLE Bodies Balance Training uses current research and a component-based approach to balance training. Instructors are
encouraged to use activities covering all five components of the program: flexibility, posture and core stability,
strength, cardiorespiratory endurance, and balance and mobility. The exercises and activities are easily implemented
with the use of existing facilities and inexpensive equipment. They also encourage fun and social interaction, helping
instructors to create and maintain an energized and positive environment that improves communication, motivation, and
overall progress. The program may be used in group or individual settings and can be customized according to level of
-Beginning instructors can follow the 16-week session plan as a well-balanced training program that safely progress
older adults through the exercises. The material is complete and may extend to a yearlong program.
-More experienced instructors may select exercises and activities from each of the five component categories to meet the
individual needs of their older adult clients. The component-based organization of the text allows instructors to easily
incorporate both exercises and conceptual ideas in fun, engaging, and creative ways into their existing programs.
As a bonus, access to a dedicated ABLE Bodies Balance Training Web site is included with the book. It offers 15
downloadable activity handouts that instructors can print out and distribute to patients or clients for use at home. It
also offers downloadable handouts of all the balance training activities in the book—over 130 conceptual ideas and
activities to choose from either for planning their own sessions or for aiding their delivery of the 16-week session
plan. The text also offers a variety of tools, including step-by-step instructions, sample phrasing to use when
encouraging participants, ideas on making activities progressively more difficult, and tips on promoting safety while
performing the exercises.
The proven exercises and conceptual activities found in ABLE Bodies Balance Training offer both fit and frail seniors
increased independence in daily living. By incorporating the ABLE Bodies Balance Training program into their work,
fitness and care professionals will educate and motivate older adults to increase stability and improve
self-confidence and .
- Used Book in Good Condition.